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10 Tips to Stay Serene!

We can lead a healthy physical, mental and emotional life by having simple needs and lifestyles. Simplicity is the key! Below are the 10 simple steps one can follow on a daily basis.

Tip #1: Grow your own veggies!

Even if it’s only a couple of veggies and only fewer quantities, try to grow your veggies! In this process, you will gain both mental, emotional, and physical health!


Tip #2: Eat fresh food!

Eat freshly cooked food. Fresh food has the "Prana" or "Life Energy" in it. Consuming it will not only just fill the body/appetite but also give the essential life force in the form of nutrients to the body. Re-heating causes food to lose all its prana, so whenever we reheat and eat food, only our physical bodies get filled up with mass with no material in that.

Understand that food plays a very critical role in maintaining our mental and physical health. The more we respect its essential nature, the more we respect our health!

The essential nature of food is to give us the vital prana and nutrients thus helping us maintain a healthy body and psyche.

Tip #3: Do not Overthink!

Understand that there’s only so much you can control in your life or others’ lives. Try and do your best with good intentions and leave the rest to Universe.

Don’t get “over” attached to results or people or relationships. Results and achievements have an underlying deeper, invisible process beyond just mere human efforts. That deeper and mystical process is called “Karma”!

Tip #4: Communicate well!

If we think over-communication rubs off wrong, under-communication is a bigger culprit. While introverts can’t communicate like extroverts, the only time they need to communicate well is when there are clarifications/reasons needed, during hurtful situations, and to express gratitude, and joy.

Tip #5: Help Others!

Dedicate some tiny amount (time/money) to help other people - especially those in need. This act can give great satisfaction and peace, thereby enhancing our self-worth!

Tip #6: Rise early!

Try to wake up early by 6:30 AM and enjoy the golden sun! Sun is the primary source of all life - admiring that fresh golden brightness is giving gratitude to Sun’s grace!

Tip #7: Meditate!

Try to dedicate at least 10-20 minutes in a day to Meditation and breathing techniques like Pranayama - these will enhance and energize positivity and all aspects of our health!

Tip #8: Make valuable use of Time!

Time is quite valuable! Do not dedicate more than 2-3 hours in a day to socializing or partying or chit-chatting or gossiping or just any meaningless interaction. Make use of the extra time in developing a positive hobby, activity, or service to others or yourself. This will keep life simple avoiding many complications that are usually byproducts of socializing.

Tip #9: Minimize Reaction!

Always think before reacting and responding. Responding is also a form of reacting especially when the response is negative. The response can be verbal or just a thought. Reacting or responding with anger, hatred, frustration, jealousy can only result in the accumulation of unseen toxins in our body - thereby impacting our lives! Understand we are spoiling only our peace and health by reacting and responding negatively!

Tip #10: Think, talk and act Plain!

All the dramas of the world and society are caused by twisted acts, thoughts, and communication. While dramas are truly enticing and entertaining in the short term, the long-term repercussions include declining peace and mental/physical health. Ignore how the world is and try to think, talk and act plain while being intelligent about the situation/surroundings!

Plain attitude is short, simple and sweet!


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