Hey there! So, the big question that's been around forever is: Can destiny really be changed? Here's my two cents on it. The answer is a bit of a mixed bag. Let's start with the "no" side of things.
Destiny basically boils down to karma. And what's karma, you ask? It's the sum total of our actions over lifetimes, which influences our current life. Our Vedic birth charts lay out our karmic plans for this life. It's like a blueprint that sets the stage for how our life plays out. So, no matter how many remedies or rituals we try, that blueprint stays put.
Some folks might argue that rituals or remedies tied to God could alter our destiny or karma. They might believe that only the Almighty can switch things up for us. But that's a bit off the mark.
Let me break it down with a simple example. Picture yourself as a parent or teacher who values morals, a simple life, and ethics. Now, imagine one of your kids or students is acting in a way you don't approve of, like being too materialistic or misbehaving. You ask them to change, but instead of really changing, they try to win you over by being nice or buying you things. Would you be satisfied if they didn't actually change their ways?
Our connection with God, the Universe, Karma, and Destiny works in a similar way. Unless we transform ourselves internally—moving away from materialism, embracing spirituality, and showing genuine love and kindness—no amount of money spent on remedies or rituals will make a difference. Some astrologers might cite ancient scriptures to support their practices, but times have changed. In today's world, those rituals don't quite hit the mark because our link with the Divine has weakened. In short, the Gods seem out of reach! To bridge that gap, we need to look within ourselves! Until we grasp the bigger picture, live morally and ethically, and nurture a spiritual life, our karma and destiny remain unchanged.
So, now you've got the lowdown on both sides—how we can tweak our destiny and why it's a tough nut to crack. Our birth charts are like a mix of our karma, our parents' karma, and our ancestors' karma. Until we fulfill our duties, our karma sticks around. So, despite what renowned astrologers might say about remedies (except for heartfelt prayers to God—though even this needs focus and love), remember the bigger picture. Hopefully, this article sheds some light on it for you.