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Eating Disorders & Happiness

Eating Disorders & Happiness

Though the title talks about eating disorders, this is really about everything out there - all the loneliness, depression, mood swings, sadness etc., If you put aside the categories of depression/sadness that result either from a life event or brain wiring issues, rest all the depression issues and subsequent eating disorder issues stem from "loneliness" at the very core of the heart. Of course one of the other most prominent reason is low self-esteem which again is heavily linked to loneliness.

Why and how did majority of the humans end up being so lonely?! There are an infinite number of answers to that question. Among those, my main focus is only on answers such as increasing materialistic expectations, increasing external noise (courtesy: social media, devices, streaming tech etc., etc.,) and decreasing focus on the core inner being and it's needs.

Most of us already know very well that majority of the eating disorders stem from psychological issues like depression. And I've covered few root causes of the loneliness. (For most folks, depression stems from loneliness - unable to find genuine company that matches their wavelength).

So how do we solve this? Easier said than done! It takes quite some amount of effort and dedication to be "wanting to change from inside". As I've mentioned in few of my articles - making lifestyle changes, leading a disciplined yet balanced, productive and positive lifestyle, having a lifestyle that has some spiritual practices inculcated in it, being true to oneself, being non-judgmental, stopping over-thinking of every minute detail etc., will definitely let a person move towards where there is bliss and content and joy majority of the time.



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