This post is going to be more like a diary. My blog doesn't have many visitors, most visitors I presume are bots. I do get a little bit disappointed at these numbers. But I console myself saying that I write because I believe the information I communicate is useful, I hope it reaches some good number of people in 2023. At the same time, I also know that I don't do anything to market or promote this blog. I like organic views and growth, not forceful promotions. But it's my problem!
Coming to the other topic of the day - I was telling my kids in a conversation earlier today that following what they think is good is the best way to live life vs. following the most treaded path because all the others have been following that. For example, waking up early maximum by 6:30 AM is the natural and normal way of life style but today's generation thinks it's weird because most of the folks sleep past midnight and wake up past 8 or 9 AM. So if someone wakes up around 6 AM while almost all of the world around them wakes up 10 AM might result in their ostracization. But hey, do you want to follow what's the right path or follow whatever path because rest of the world does it?
Should it be a feeling of sadness or content when we look at someone who doesn't/didn't have enough toys or other materialistic things to play with? There's lot of confusion among the right kind of emotion to emote in this situation in the current world. It would be sad because most of the rest of the world had played with toys. Or should it be a feeling of content learning that, that person has less attachments or cravings for materialism?