I was reading about this Lewy Body Dementia that had affected Robin Williams (https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/01/health/lewy-body-dementia-robin-williams-life-itself-wellness/index.html) and just an immediate thought struck me. According to the modern medicine, the disease occurs because the "amygdala" region of his brain had significant number of Lewy bodies.
Can the modern medicine identify the root cause behind the formation of so many of those bodies in that region of the brain? Most probably the best it could answer is - because of a certain chemical(s) abnormalities. I will ask another question - what caused those chemical(s) abnormalities? I'm sure the answer would be Silence or next 10-20 years of research!!
The big connection or difference between modern medicine and Ayurveda is that Ayurveda can actually figure out the mother of root causes. Per Ayurveda, every disease begins at the gut with very mild symptoms, if it's not treated there, it will spread to the immediate channels of Rasa (plasma, lymphatic system) and Rakta (blood, circulatory system) where the symptoms are relatively more prominent. If it's not alleviated in those systems as well, it will spread, relocate and manifest in other systems of the body at which point our symptoms start to really bother us and we go to our doctors to get this "issue" addressed (at this stage of modern medicine, the "issue" will be given a name by our doctors). The "issue" has all the potential to diversify into other channels from here onwards (like nervous system, endocrine system, skeletal system, muscular system, reproductive system mind - mental/emotional state). While the modern medicine addresses a "particular system" and has the capacity to identify the failures in "that" system, Ayurveda can actually trace back the origin of the disease. Not only tracing back, but can treat the disease at it's root.
Please note that in this article, I'm not stating that I can identify the root cause of LBD (Lewy Body Dementia) per Ayurveda but merely stating the facts that Ayurveda has the capability to identify the root cause of any disease.
As with any other medicine, even with Ayurveda, the practitioner/doctor must have the right diagnostic knowledge and must be aware of the correct treatment plan in order to cure the disease. Otherwise, as with other healing modalities, here are high chances the disease won't be cured even with Ayurveda.