I have been exploring Vedic astrology for the past few years, primarily to understand the following:
Why do most astrologers get their predictions wrong?
Why don't/can't they learn from their mistakes?
Why do different astrologers have different predictions for the same person?
Why are there so many theories and concepts about astrology?
These are the main reasons why many people have lost faith in astrology and consider it to be fake. However, after years of reading, researching, and understanding the different concepts, I am starting to believe that there are three main things that are essential for an astrological prediction to be accurate:
A correct basic foundation (different sects of astrologers have different interpretations of what this means, but there is a basic foundation that all astrologers should agree on).
Divine blessing.
As for where I stand with regards to these three things, I believe I am doing "ok". By God's grace, I do have a good ability to predict basic events in life, such as mundane, practical, and sought-after events. This is not a promotion for my business, but rather an honest assessment of my capabilities. After all, I owe my understanding of Vedic astrology to my understanding of life and karma. Most importantly, I owe it from the bottom of my heart for bringing me the much-needed closure to many aspects of my life.