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Toothache? Try Clove, a Natural Analgesic!


An analgesic is something that reduces pain. We have lots of analgesics over the counter like Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen etc., I won't discuss about analgesic which we ingest to alleviate the pain. I'm going to discuss about oral analgesics which alleviate pain without the need of ingesting.

Have you ever experienced tooth ache? It's annoying, painful and irritating. There are pain gels like Orajel that alleviate the pain. Clove is my miracle analgesic for tooth ache! What I do is just take a clove (or 2, based on the intensity of your pain), just place it there in my mouth near the tooth that's aching, slightly bite it so that the oil gets released slightly and leave it there for a at least 4-6 hours or overnight. That's it! :)

I won't be discussing how clove works and other details what ingredients in it's oil do the wonders - because you will find innumerable internet articles regarding that. All I can share is my experiences with the natural medicine out there!

By the way, clove also plays an important role in being an expectorant, in reducing fever (antipyretic), aphrodisiac (nourishing the reproductive system), circulatory stimulant (dilation of vessels, removal of blockages etc,.), toxin removal, aids in treating digestive imbalances like gas/cramping and aids in weight loss.

Recall the general rule of thumb that food is medicine - so use clove also moderately! More than moderate use of it will increase the Vata tendency (this is true especially for people with Vata body type or Vata imbalances).



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